Advocacy Information:
Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is encouraged to contact the advising office for guidance on how to identify possible resources. Please notify the instructor of your circumstance if you are comfortable doing so.
Affirmative Action:
TVCC is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution which provides educational and employment opportunities on the basis of merit and without discrimination or harassment in full compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 503,504); Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; the Vietnam Era Veterans Assistance Act of 1974; Article 522lk V.A.C.S.; and Executive Orders 11246 and 11758.
American with Disabilities Act (ADA):
Students with disabilities who wish to request accommodations should notify the Disability Services Office on their campus. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her disability to the Disability Services counselor.
For more information, please visit the Disability Service Office on your campus or contact Melinda Berry at 903-675-6224 and email disability@tvcc.edu.
Campus Carry:
The College District prohibits the use, possession, or display of a firearm on College District property or at a College District-sponsored or -related activity in violation of law and College District regulations. This policy does not apply to commissioned peace officers in accordance with law. All persons, including license holders, are prohibited from openly carrying a handgun on all College District campuses and premises. License holders may carry a concealed handgun on or about their person while on College District campuses and premises. License holders are responsible for complying with applicable federal and state law and this policy and associated regulations.
Criminal History:
TVCC awards some certificates and degrees in which a criminal history MAY disqualify candidates from becoming licensed upon degree/certificate completion. Students with a criminal background enrolling in courses leading to a degree/certificate in criminal justice, cosmetology, nail technician, Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning (HVAC), Emergency Medical Technology (EMT), Nurse Aide, Vocational Nursing (VN), Associate Degree Nursing (ADN), Surgical Technology, Patient Care Technology, or Pharmacy Technician program are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to discuss the licensing regulations with the TVCC program director listed in the current catalog and learn about the current guidelines related to criminal history as well as the right of individuals to request a criminal history evaluation letter.
Electronic Communication:
TVCC students are REQUIRED to use either their TVCC Canvas account or their TVCC email account for all electronic communication. In order to ensure the identity of the student communicating via electronic methods, TVCC faculty will not reply to student communication that is sent through an email account other than their TVCC issued email account or Canvas account.
Loggin on to E-Courses:
To access your online courses, visit https://ecourses.tvcc.edu. Use your Cardinal ID and Cardinal Password to log in. If you are unsure of your Cardinal ID, visit
https://webapps.tvcc.edu/GetIDs1/. TVCC Password guidelines are set as follows: Lowercase first initial + last four digits of your Social Security number + uppercase last initial + 4 digit year of birth. If your name is Jane Doe, and you were born in the year 1998, and your
social security number ends in 1234, your new password would be j1234D1998.
Research Resources:
The student is encouraged to use the TVCC Libraries as research resources for this course. Students can search the TVCC Library Resource Center holdings through the on-line catalog. Electronic library resources provide access to full-text and abstract articles as well as links to a variety of remote research tools. The physical library contains a specialized collection of research materials specifically chosen to support the degrees and courses offered at TVCC. Students with research questions or questions about library services are encouraged to email their question to lrc@tvcc.edu.
Student's Responsibility
This syllabus contains information, policies and procedures for a specific course. By enrolling, the student agrees to read, understand, and abide by the rules, policies, regulations, and ethical standards of Trinity Valley Community College as contained in the current catalog and schedule of classes.
Student Evaluation of Courses/Faculty:
Evaluation is an important component in promoting continuous improvement, enhancing student learning, and achieving excellence in the educational process. Therefore, TVCC administers student course evaluations every semester. Students are encouraged to complete the course evaluations for all of their courses. Notification of evaluation availability and details on how to access and complete the course evaluation will be delivered to all students through the TVCC email accounts.
Student Evaluation of Courses/Faculty:
When completing the evaluation, students will rate the course by responding to the following prompts:
- The instructor relates the importance of the subject matter to real life.
- The instructor is very knowledgeable of the subject matter.
- The instructor encourages questions and discussions from students.
- The instructor makes class requirements clear.
- The instructor gives class assignments (tests, projects, presentations, etc.) that measure what was covered.
- The instructor’s teaching methods are effective in helping me learn.
- The instructor expects students to take responsibility for their learning.
- The instructor establishes a climate of respect.
- The instructor is well organized and prepared for each class.
- The instructor is available to me on matters pertaining to the class.
- The instructor is reliable in meeting class (leave blank for online courses).
- The instructor normally starts class on time (leave blank for online courses).
- The instructor has challenged me to think.
Technology Resources/Access:
Each student, employee, or guest with an information technology (IT) account shall be responsible for all use of the account. All accounts shall be for use by a single individual – the person for whom the account was approved or assigned. This includes e-Course accounts as well as TVCC issued email accounts. Sharing or loaning accounts is strictly prohibited and violates TVCC Board Policy CT (LOCAL).
Title IX of the Education Amendments:
TVCC prohibits discrimination, including sexual harassment and retaliation, against any student on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law. Any student who believes that he or she has experienced prohibited conduct or believes that another student has experienced prohibited conduct should immediately report the alleged acts to an instructor, counselor, administrator, or the Title IX Coordinator.
- Athens – The Testing Center, located in the LRC, is open during regular business hours. For Testing Center hours visit http://www.tvcc.edu/testing for
scheduled closings.
Palestine – Students are allowed to test at the LRC of the respective satellite campuses. Please visit the Palestine testing site to determine their hours of operation. NOTE: You MUST arrive at the testing center(s) at least 1 hour prior
to closing so that you COMPLETE your testing before they close.
Terrell – Students are allowed to test at the A101 computer lab during designated hours. Please visit the Terrell testing site to determine their hours of operation. NOTE: You MUST arrive at the testing center(s) at least 1 hour prior to
closing so that you COMPLETE your testing before they close.
Title IX of the Education Amendments 2:
TVCC has designated the Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator as the individual who is responsible for coordinating its efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended. Contact information is: