(Be accurate - DO NOT LEAVE BLANK)
1. The undersigned participant understands and agrees that the Trinity Valley Community College Cardette Auditions is a voluntary activity of the participant.
2. The participant recognizes and understands that certain risks are inherent in a skilled and physical activity such as these dance auditions, including the possibility of physical injury.
3. Participant hereby voluntarily assumes any risk for accidents and/or injuries that may occur as part of the normal activity of such a dance auditions. Trinity Valley Community College, its agents and employees DO NOT assume any liability associated with such auditions or audition related activities.
4. The participant also certifies that he/she is not aware of any personal health impediment that could adversely affect the participant during or as a result of, such activities.
5. The participant further acknowledges and agrees that Cardette Auditions may be filmed and photographs will be taken, and releases such film and photographs to be used by TVCC in an appropriate manner.